
please send me an email for any questions: a.dummer@4dgraphic.de

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Photo & Video

Accelerate your brand with stories and visuals

Success comes from standing out, not fitting in.

Video production is the most effective type of content at marketers disposal. A product video is 4x more likely to be watched than read about in text; Forbes states that 59% of executives say they prefer video to text. Professional photography helps elevate products, brands and businesses above the competition. The imagery you use makes a powerful statement about the quality of your product and company.

That's why you should use quality content

After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online

88% of people trust online reviews by other customers just as much as they’d trust a recommendation from a friend.

93% of consumers consider visual appearance the major deciding factor in buying a product or not.

How can I help you with?

Product Photography

Outstanding photography and multimedia underpins the best online sales experiences. We look together on best ways to present you product in a unique way.

Lifestyle Imagery

Show your product or brand in the right environments and target groups. Whether we do a on-location shooting, or create individual compositing, I will make sure you stand out.

Portrait Photography

Represent your brand or service, customers want to know who you are. I create high quality studio portrait shots or on-location imagery which shows you in action.

Commercial Video

Consumers seek time-saving shortcuts all the time, and their attention naturally gravitates to the quickest way to gather information: Video! Present you product from its best side.


To prove the value of your product, it’s not enough that you just say it’s great. Your prospects will trust their peers more than anyone else! So let your happy customers do the talking.

Anything else

Video and Photo is everywhere. I can help you with event-, training-, real estate video and imagery, as well as documentary or branded content for social media and online presence.

Let's create something!

Whatever you are looking for, two main things are key to know before creating something. First of all, the target audience. Who is your customer, what is he doing, where can we find him? And the second question ist, what is your objective of creating content. Do you want to drive sales, create awareness and want to build you brand? That’s why it’s important to receive a clear brief which answers those questions, which then leads to Creative Development of your production.


Creative Development

Every stage of the creative process is covered, from first conception through to the final idea. Whether you have a clear vision for your video/photo production project or need some inspiration or technical advice, I am are there to help.



Video and Photo production needs can vary significantly. Depending on the content being created a production may need a range of actors, locations, props, etc. Also the planing of the production will take some time in order to have every piece of equipment ready and no time will be wasted.



With a range of production experience and expertise, I will take care of everything on set to ensure the best quality possible is brought back to the post-production for editing.


Post Production

Now it comes down to the final piece. editing, color grading, motion graphics and music are covered.


As every asset which will be created is unique in it’s kind and way of the creation process, it’s impossible to create pre-build packages. There are dozens of factors that go into video or photo cost. Production costs will depend on the type of asset that you need, the location, crew, equipment, talent, amount of pre-production, editing, sound, post-production, and more. That’s why I always require a brief of the project to create an estimate.

Tell me more!

In order to help you, I would need a project brief about your project. This helps me to scope the project and create you an estimate.

You can write your informations in English or German

I am looking forward hearing from you.